Sun Devil Womens tennis player hitting a backhand shot
Sun Devil Compliance

Local Sports Clubs

NCAA legislation limits ASU coach involvement with non-ASU teams that include prospective student-athletes.  Coaches are only permitted to be involved with non-ASU teams (also known as local sports clubs under NCAA legilsation) if all prospects in the club reside within 50 miles of ASU.  Coaches must obtain approval from the Compliance Office (by completing the appropriate form available here) before participating in any manner (coach, administrator, owner) with a local club sports club team or any other non-ASU team.  Note additional restrictions apply to basketball and volleyball as follows:

Basketball:  Staff members may only be involved in local sports clubs for sports other than basketball.

Women's Volleyball:  An ASU coach may not coach a local sports club in competition during a dead or quiet period if prospects are present.  Practice is still permitted.